Welcome to my children's book blog Värikäs päivä, which is Finnish and means a Colorful day. I am a happy and lucky mother of a multicultural family, and I love children's books which is why I keep this blog. I read and write about all kinds of children's books, but closest to my heart are books that cherish tolerance, being yourself and the value of difference, be it different cultures or something else. As I have lived in Africa and in India, it's is natural for me to step into the boots of an outsider. I live now in Helsinki with my family - a daughter, 8, a son, 4, and a husband.
I work as a freelance writer and a language teacher. One of my wishes is to finish my story about our adoption in Africa. I also love flee markets and cafes... Please don't hesitate to contact me: viivjvf (at) hotmail.com
In this blog I write occasionally (very rarely) in English, especially about books which I hope to reach readers abroad, or about pearls that come across and are not published in Finnish.
I wish you a colorful, happy day, and hope you enjoy reading this blog!
Karo Hämäläinen: Hooray for Helsinki! Our very own city.
(Orig. Hurraa Helsinki! Ikioma kaupunki.)
Illustrations: Salla Savolainen
Tammi 2012
Kelly Cunnane: For you are a Kenyan child
Art by Ana Juan
Simon and Chuster 2006
Charlotte Gastaut: Fannys fantastiska resa
(orig. La Grand Voyage de Mademoiselle Prudence)
Rabén & Sjögren 2011
Und auf deutsch gibt's auch irgendetwas…
Sylvia Schopf: Mit dem spielen wir nicht!